Duties and Responsibilities
HB2044 specifies the scope of duties of the OCCoE as follows:
- Serve as the statewide advisory body to the Legislative Assembly, Governor, and State Chief Information Officer on cybersecurity-related issues for local governments, regional governments, special districts, education service districts, school districts, and libraries.
- Provide a statewide forum for discussing and resolving cybersecurity issues.
- Provide Oregon public, private, and nonprofit sector entities with information and recommend best practices concerning cybersecurity, cyber resilience, and recovery measures, including legal, insurance, and other topics.
- Coordinate sharing information related to cybersecurity threats, risks, warnings, and incidents, and promote public awareness and shared, real-time situational awareness among Oregon’s public, private, and nonprofit entities.
- Provide cybersecurity assessment, scanning and analysis, monitoring, and incident response services to public bodies, with priority given to public bodies with the greatest need for services, including local governments, regional governments, special districts, educational service districts, school districts, and libraries.
- Collaborate with public bodies to coordinate cybersecurity efforts with ongoing information technology modernization and resilience projects.
- Identify and participate in appropriate federal, multistate, regional, state, and local or private sector programs and efforts that support or complement the Center’s purpose.
- Pursue and leverage federal sources of cybersecurity and cyber resilience funding to achieve state goals related to cybersecurity and cyber resilience.
- Manage and award funds distributed to the Center for Cybersecurity and Cyber Resilience Initiatives.
- Encourage the development of Oregon’s cybersecurity workforce.
- Provide professional and administrative support to the Oregon Cybersecurity Advisory Council.